Come join American photographer, filmmaker & writer Doug Mayhew for our award winning MAD Wildlife Photography Series events happening throughout the greater Rocky Mountain and Southwest regions of the United States…
Studio Madography focuses on artists’ creative pursuits and individual endeavors as expressed through photography, filmmaking and writing. Compelling works don’t just happen. Accepting this premise, together we frame the interplay between artist and audience, examine the underlying constructs and explore the various elements of why… why one work succeeds, and another fails. MAD Wildlife Photography
Our Wildlife Photography Series puts you in front of the wildlife you want to photograph. We provide participants with an environment specially designed for both learning and collaboration; where a foundation grounded in proven principals provides the building blocks for advanced artistic techniques. Where expert instruction and mentoring are the rule, not the exception. We invite you to look through and choose from any of our upcoming Wildlife Photography events or request one of our personally tailored half-day or full-day private offerings at any of our Madography locations.
- MAD Wildlife Photography
Currently there are no MAD Wildlife Photography Series events scheduled. Please check back later or consider choosing one of Studio Madography’s other upcoming photography events. Thank you!
- MAD Wildlife Photography
If you’d like additional information or help booking a reservation feel free to give us a call at: 855-723-8749 or contact us here.
MAD Wildlife Photography
We are artists. We endeavor for that which speaks to us. When creating for ourselves, there are no rules. Our storytelling is an extension of that process; making original imagery, crafting scenes of motion or writing about our experiences is rewarding, though themselves together not necessary. Ever-ready for that next grand adventure, one steeped in imagery, worthy of paper and pen… The journey matters. — Madographer